The Workplace in Transition: Integrating Women Effectively

- 1975 1979 BCFW Women in Labour Force stats analysis
- 1981 KootWITT Susan Booth Mechanica reasoning
- 1981 Kootwitt Mechanical Reasoning Booth Fr
- 1983 KootWITT Seminar Delivery Women Access
- 1983 KootWITT Women In Labour Force Stats
- 1983 Kootwitt Labour Force Stats Fr
- 1983 Kootwitt Womans Point of View Fr
- 1988 KootWITT women in labour force stats
- 2006 KootWITT Harassment
What Happens to Women in Tradesland?

PDF Files
- 1983 KootWITT Roadblocks Myths
- 1983 Kootwitt What Happens to Women in Tradesland script
- 1984 KootWITT Tradesland 1st Brochure
- 1984 KootWITT Tradesland Discussion Guide
- 1984 KootWITT What Happens to Women in Tradesland 1stBrochure
- 1984 KootWITT tradesland glossy brochure
- 1985 KootWITT Tradesland Discussion Guide Barriers Attractions
- 1989 Surviving and Thriving Conference
Girls Exploring Trades and Technology Camps

PDF Files
WITT hands-on exploratory courses

Surviving and Thriving

WITT National Network

- 1988 WITTNN National Steering Committee
- 1989 WITT NN National DataBank Inventory Proposal
- 1989 WITT NN SOW re DataBank Inventory
- 1989 WITT NN Trade School for Women missing P2
- 1990 KootWITT WITT NN 1st brochure full
- 1990 WITT 1st Brochure cover
- 1992 WITT Course National Standards Program Development Guidelines
- 1992 WITT Course Standards Table
- 1994 WITT Standards and Guidelines Building Foundations for Technical Training
- 1994 WITTNN Braundy Farewell Address Halifax
- 1994 WITTNN Herstory
- 1994 WITTNN closing the vallican office witt national network
- 1999 Construction Technology for Women Grades11 12
WITT NN Newsletters
Admin and Herstory

- 1981 WITT Leo Perra response to WITT brief to Selkirk
- 1981 women in trades PVI
- 1983 KootWITT Julie Morrow ltr critique of trade advisory ctte on women
- 1984 1999 Apprenticeship Trends EIC BC Stats
- 1987 Sally Mackenzie achieves Journeylevel with carpenter Marcia Braundy
- 1989 ONWITT Goals and Objectives
- 1993 EE Sandra Steinhause recruitment retention of aboriginal apprentices workshop vancouver
- Penny Priddy note 97

- 1981 NDN KootWITT Selkirk College Brief
- 1981 Trail Times KootWITT Selkirk College Brief
- 1981 WITT Leo Perra response to WITT brief to Selkirk
- 1983 to julie morrow bc womens program
- 1997 ITAC 7 Braundy to MLA Corky Evans.ltr
- 1997 ITAC MWE KootWITT final report Speak up Speak out grant
- Penny Priddy note 97

- 1985 1999 1 WETC history
- 1985 1999 WETC accomplishments
- 1997 Fax report WITT WETC task force on ITAC and DGP August
- 1997 ITAC Education and Advocacy Project final report Marcia Braundy
- 1997 Minutes mtg with Gail Thomas Ministry skills education training August
- 1997 WITT WETC ITAC 1 mb response from premier of bc glen clark.jpg
- 1997 WITT WETC July Minutes additions
- 1997 WITT WETC Jun Minutes
- 1997 WITT WETC Minutes MWE mtg in Victoria August
- 1997 WITT WETC version Minutes Aug MWE mtg in Victoria October
- 1997 WITTWETC conf call agda
- 1998 Wetc participating for change research questions
- 1999 WETC Provincial Participating for change conference
- 1999 WETC participating for change draft priti shah herstory
- 1999 farewell lunch wetc weac stalwarts
- 2000 WETC participating for change final report
- 2000 WETC participating for change participant invite may
- 2001 WETC final days In response to Status of Women Canada Evaluation Guideline Questions
Employment Equity

- 1984 Equality in Employmen Royal Commission on Equality in Employment short1
- 1995 Aboriginal recruitment and retention workshop evaluation Steinhause@2010 07 17T00;44;41
- 1995 PAB Equity Committee Report and Elizabeth Carriere response
- 1997 ITAC Overview of Equity in Apprenticeship
- 2010 Gay Stinson EE Sikkuy Symposium1