
Emma's Jambrosia

PDF Files
- 1982 66 memories emmas jambrosia joe hetherington
- 1983 2010 memories emmas jambrosia bonnie baker
- 1983 84 EMMAs Vancouver Sun Nicole Parton
- 1983 emmas questions to be answered for final proposal
- 1984 emmas brochure
- 1984 emmas poster 1
- 1984 may emmas jambrosia market review
- 1986 EMMAs Jambrosia business final analysis
Womens Coop Projects

Kootenay Womenworks

PDF Files
Rebuilding The House

- 1989 house funding margaret fulton ltr
- 1994 95 house funding vancouver foundation proposal and report
- 1994 WKWA house rebuilding cjs application cochrane
- 1994 house funding CILpaints request refusal
- 1994 house funding vancouver foundation proposal
- 1994 house fundingraising dinner rita moirs
- 1995 house dedication invitation vita response wc herstory
- 1995 house funding Vancouver Fdn ltrs
- 1995 wkwa nwc projects ideas fundraising
- 1999 WKWA CC Min Shall we sell the house
Employment Equity

- 1997 WKWA EE current employment situation West Kootenay
- 1997 WKWA EE project so far
- 1997 WKWA EE ruth beck employment equity project
- 1997 WKWA EE what can be done
- 1997 WKWA EE what can you do
- 1997 WKWA EE what is ee project
- 1997 WKWA EE what is ee
- 1998 WKWA EE employment equity proposal swc
- 1998 wkwa ee Project 1
- 1999 2000 WKWA EE interim report to status of women canada
- 1999 2001 WKWA EE employment equity project highlights
- 1999 2001 WKWA EE multiyear initiative
- 1999 EE Ruth Beck Victor Kumar city of Nelson policies
- 1999 EE keenleyside report fragment
- 1999 WKWA EE city of nelson
- 1999 wkwa ee employment equity and poverty advocacy centre
- 1999 wkwa ee employment equity project proposal details
- 2000 2001 wkwa ee activities
- 2000 WKWA EE CUPE collective agreements
- 2000 WKWA EE CUPE discrimination clauses in contracts ltr
- 2000 WKWA EE collective agreements
- 2000 WKWA EE journeywomen ventures city of nelson
- 2000 whos doing what for employment equity in west kootenays
- 2000 wkwa ee background equity construction bc
- 2000 wkwa ee youth career employment west kootenay
- 2001 WKWA EE advisory committee project evaluation
- 2001 WKWA ee final report
- 2001 ee outreach recruitment directory
- 2001 march 6 advisory committee meeting agd
- 2001 wkwa ee columbia power funding letter
- 2001 wkwa ee employment equity construction task force
- 2001 wkwa ee employment equity final report to status of women
- 2001 wkwa ee funding request columbia power penner
- 2001 wkwa ee women in construction backgrounder Jan26
- 2002 wkwa ee ruth beck equity project email
- 2007 ee sow 8 gender trades technology a composite approach Selkirk ltr
- 2007 ee sow 1 proposal precis
- 2007 ee sow 2 gender trades technology proposal
- 2007 ee sow 3 employer objective workplan
- 2007 ee sow 4 course objective workplan
- 2007 ee sow 5 course activities
- 2007 ee sow 6 gett workplan1
- 2007 ee sow 7 communications objective workplan
- Contract Position Labour Equity Integration Facilitator
The Bag Project

- 2007 Recycled Bag Project willing workers
- 2009 Textile bags promo
- 2009 bag tags
- 2009 card inside each wkwa bag celebrating beauty
- 2010 Bag booklet Celebrating Beauty2
- 2010 Textile Project Goals
- 2010 Textile Project Goals and herstory
- 2010 wkwa bag project 1
- 2010 wkwa bag project 2
- 2010 wkwa bag project email from kathleen re mentor program
Photos Of Bags
The Advocacy Project

International Womens Day

PDF Files
- 1978 IWD NDNyou have come a long way maybe 1
- 1978 WC Newsletter and IWD
- 1981 NWC IWD putting up the womens signs
- 1989 7 5 fem minutes
- 1992 IWD Lillian Allen
- 1999 IWD Buffalo Gals
- 1999 iwd promo
- 2007 wkwa iwd poster
- 2009 5 feminist minutes scouthall
- 2009 IWD images launch poster
- 2010 iwd poster
- 2012 IWD Poster Night with the Stars
Responding to Violence Against Women

- 1991 Dec 6 wkwa program Sam Simpson call to attend vigil workshops
- 1992 Dec 6 Sam Simpson invitations to attend vigil workshops
- 1992 NDN dec 6 remember photo
- 1993 Dec 6 Rita Moir calling out courage to break silence
- 1993 Dec 6 emembrance
- 1993 Dec 6 handout ways we can effect change
- 1993 Dec 6 remembrance
- 1993 WC Violence dec 6 remembrance
- 1993 WKWA Events Dec 6 Remembrance
- 1997 WKWA dec 6 news
- 1998 WKMA Events letter Nelson city council take back the night
- 1998 WKWA Admin ltr bc human rights commission simms
- 1999 Dec 6 memorial program
- 2001 Dec 6 memorial Cheryl Dowden
- 2002 WKWA Events Take Back The Night
- 2002 WKWA events take back the night city hall ltr
- 2008 WKWA NDN violence take back the night oct
- 2009 WKWA violence take back the night
- december 6th jai poster
The Ministry of Womens Equality

- 1996 97 womens adhoc committee on cbt
- 1996 Feb28 options womens employment strategies
- 1996 employment strategy women bc report
- 1999 WKWA MWE womens centres funding
- 2000 WKWA MWE 2000 01 operational founding agreement
- 2000 WKWA MWE Logan Correction
- 2000 WKWA MWE Proposal Appendix 1
- 2001 WKWA MWE bridging discussion paper feedback
- 2002 wkwa mwe 3 year plan funding cuts
- 2002 wkwa mwe violence closure regional office
- 2002wkwa mwe to Minister services of wkwa
- 2003 1999 WKWA MWE minister womens centres final funding
- 2003 WKWA MWE contract 291005
MWE Evaluation
- 1999 2000 WKWA MWE Admin Organization Structure
- 1999 WKWA Admin MWE Evaluation Organizational Standards
- 1999 WKWA Admin MWE Evaluation WKWA Model
- 1999 WKWA Admin MWE Evaluation WKWA Roles
- 1999 WKWA Admin MWE Evaluation
- 1999 MWE Jan Jun 99 six month descriptive report
- 1999 MWE Jul Dec 99 six month descriptive report
- 2000 MWE Jan Jun 2000 six month descriptive report
- 2000 MWE Jul Dec 2000 six month descriptive report
- 2001 MWE Jan Jun 01 six month descriptive report
- 2001 MWE Jul Dec 01 six month descriptive report
- 2003 MWE Jan Jun 03 six month descriptive report
- 2003 MWE Jul Dec 03 six month descriptive report
Political Action

- 1980s WC Project Proposal form
- 1983 Pornography Survey summer students
- 1984 87 WKWA carol beauchamp post natal care health and welfare
- 1987 anti abortion death threats
- 1987 anti abortion lawsuit
- 1988 90 sally mackenzie real women equality revisited conference
- 1988 free trade agreement
- 1988 sally mackenzie broadbent
- 1988 sally mackenzie canada post
- 1989 wife battering
- 1990 WKWA BC and Yukon Association of Womens Centres Dec minutes
- 1990 wife assault san francisco shop Trail ltr
- 1992 kootenay labour market coordinating committee
- 1998 WKWA Admin ltr bc human rights commission simms
- anti child beauty pagents poster
- community futures committee
- limitation act child sexual abuses survivors
The Role Modelling Project

Admin/Organization and Development

- 1972 1989 wkwa chronology and projects
- 1974 2008 WKWA coordinating collective training manual part 1
- 1974 2008 WKWA coordinating collective training manual part 2
- 1974 2008 WKWA coordinating collective training manual part 3 self esteem and abuse
- 1974 Original signed constitution Vita copy
- 1975 Vita Marcia ltr sue findley sec state
- 1975 WKWA vita marcia ltr sue findley secretary of state
- 1987 feb finances
- 1988 90 WKWA admin sally mackenzie labour centre
- 1988 90 wkwa admin provincial grant
- 1992 membership renewal
- 1994 WKWA admin bc21 community projects application
- 1995 WKWA admin susan kurtz law purchase 420 mill street
- 1995 wkwa nwc projects ideas fundraising
- 1996 WKWA AGM constitutional changes
- 1996 WKWA admin ltr penny priddy suspension of 4 ministry staff
- 1996 WKWA admin ltr to govt disability benefits
- 1997 98 WKWA admin committee structure
- 1997 98 WKWA admin leadership models
- 1997 Selkirk admin ltr aelkirk hospitality program request for diversity speaker
- 1997 WKWA admin human rights aAdvisory council nomination
- 1997 WKWA admin ltr nac dr joan russow
- 1997 WKWA admin ltr under the volcano
- 1997 coordinating collective
- 1998 WKWA admin forestr renewal contact list appl
- 1998 WKWA admin ltr hedy fry withholding of nac funds
- 1998 WKWA admin ltr house of commons mai
- 1998 WKWA admin tenancy project
- 1999 2003 wkwa status of women canada grants and program changes
- 1999 WKWA CC Min Shall we sell the house
- 1999 WKWA admin ltr support for fudning anchors
- 1999 WKWA mwe admin feb draft evaluation questionnaire
- 2000 WKWA copy of constitutional amendment resolution
- 2002 WKWA events form fund raising proposal
- Log sheet
5 Feminist Minutes

- 1880s 2000s Feminism quotes
- 1986 ISIS OK sample
- 1989 5 feminist minutes
- 1994 WKWA 10th Anniversary
- 2002 WKWA Events AGM Library
- 2002 WKWA agm
- 2002 WKWA events intent for summer celebration
- 2002 WKWA events my breasts my choice
- 2003 wkwa agm group photo
- 2005 Events Vagina Monologues Nelson
- 2005 WKWA Events Vagina Monologues poster
- 2008 WKWA celebration camping
- 2009 5 feminist minutes scouthall
- 2010 5 feminist minutes
- WC Solstice Celebration
- WKWA events 5 feminist minutes